Ear Infections (Otitis Media) in Children
Overview Ear infections, also called otitis media, are a common problem in children. About 50 percent of infants have at least one ear infection by their first birthday. Ear infections can cause pain in the ear, fever, and temporary hearing loss and general signs such as loss of appetite and irritability. Some children get better […]
References Dommaraju S, Perera E. An approach to vertigo in general practice. Australian family physician. 2016 Apr;45(4):190. Shephard NT, Solomon D. Practical issues in the management of the dizzy and balance disorder patient. June 2000. The otolaryngological clinics of North America. Saunders. Approach to dizziness. 2013 Disclaimer The content on the Nairobi ENT website is […]
Dizziness and Vertigo
December 5, 2016Uncategorized Dizziness and Vertigo The inner ear serves two purposes: hearing and balance. There are mechanisms in the ear that inform the brain about your position, orientation in space and movement and all times to keep you in balance. A false sensation of spinning or whirling, known as vertigo, can occur when the […]
Prof. Isaac M. Macharia – ENT surgeon, Nairobi Ear,Nose & Throat Clinic (in a red shirt), looks on as Former U.S President Bill Clinton and daughter Chelsea Clinton give Richard Mwendwa Kiilu, 63, the gift of hearing in Kenya courtesy of Starkey Hearing Foundation.
Dr. Chimmy Omamo-Olende doing a presentation at the 23rd Annual KENTS Conference held at the BOMA Hotel, Eldoret (21-24th May 2015).