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About Dr. Samuel Nyagah
Dr. Samuel Nyagah holds a Bachelors Degree in Medicine and Surgery (MBchB) and a Masters Degree in ENT Surgery (MMED ENT Surgery) from the University of Nairobi.
He is also a holder of a Diploma in Allergy and Asthma from the Christian Medical Centre (CMS) Vellore, India.
He has been practicing as an ENT specialist since 2007 and as an allergist since 2016. During this duration of practice, he has attended many international and local scientific conferences and workshops, mainly in the area of Rhinology and Allergy.
Currently he is the chair-person of Kenya Ear, Nose and Throat Society (KENTS). He is also an executive board member of the Allergy Society of Kenya (ASOK), member of the European Rhinologic Society (ERS) and European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology